Five Benefits Of Using Floor Scrubbers To Clean Your Office Floors

Your office floor is a large part of your business's décor, but it can become dirty and unsightly if you don't take the time to clean it regularly. When you use a commercial floor scrubber for office cleaning, you can ensure that your floors are always clean, attractive, and safe for your employees to walk on. Here are five benefits that you'll enjoy when you use floor scrubbers.

1. With Floor Scrubbers You Can Clean Hard-to-Reach Areas 

Floor scrubbers allow you to reach hard-to-reach areas that may be difficult for you to clean with a mop or bucket. For example, many commercial floor scrubbers such as Tennant machines have attachments that allow them to clean corners and edges very easily. This helps you avoid having to do any extra cleaning or moving furniture around to reach all parts of your office floor.

2. They Are Effective Against Dirt And Grime

Floor scrubbers have brushes and pads that help remove dirt and grime from tile, concrete, or even carpeted areas on your office floors. These brushes and pads also help lift up dirt particles so they are easier for the cleaning solution to dissolve them away completely.

3. Floor Scrubbers Mean No Cross-Contamination 

One of the biggest benefits of using a floor scrubber is that they eliminate cross-contamination, meaning that you don't have to worry about spreading germs or bacteria from one room or area to another with mop buckets and buckets of dirty water. If you're cleaning multiple rooms or offices in your building, this is a huge benefit. You can also save time by not having to go back and forth between spaces if you're only doing one room at a time.

4. Floor Scrubbers Are Speedy

Floor scrubbers can clean a large area quickly because they spray hot water onto the floor and then agitate it with brushes or pads attached to the machine. The hot water loosens dirt and grime, while the brushes or pads scrub it away from the surface of your flooring material. This means that they can clean an entire floor quickly without having to spend too much time on each square foot of space.

5. Floor Scrubbers Mean Less Water Wastage 

Floor scrubbers are designed with an oscillating head that moves back and forth over the surface. This helps loosen up dirt, debris, and other contaminants on the surface, so they can be rinsed away more easily later on in the process. This means less water usage overall during the cleaning process because less dirt has been left behind after initial scrubbing with your machine's rotating brushes.

Floor scrubbers are a great way to remove stains from your office floors quickly. For more information on floor scrubbers including Tennant machines, chat with a cleaning supplies expert today.
